WE expect great things from our garden this year! Our vegetable patch is way too full of baby plants: tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, lettuces, kale, summer squash, aubergine and yellow watermelon. I don't know what we'll do if they all grow well. Make a new veggie patch?
Dotted around the back garden we also have garlic and onions, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. All of them are very tiny plants - we are enjoying them more for the experience than the yield at this point.
Most of all we're excited about the new herbs, which we planted among the rockery. Added to the rosemary, marjoram, sage, mint and parsley which survived the winter, we now have cilantro, dill, chervil, sorrel, thyme, fennel and basil. Emma already knows all their names and insists on running out alone to pick a sprig every time I need some for cooking. Sometimes a humdrum plan for dinner turns into an inspiration when she presents me with a surprise crop!