Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Song

THOUGH Thanksgiving belongs to neither Thomas nor my family's tradition, it's a celebration that embraces all heritages and cultures. For we all have something to be thankful for. Among other things, we are thankful for good friends who invited us into their home to share their family celebration with us.

Thanksgiving Canon

text by Ivy Eastwick
music by Carol King

Thank you for all my hands can hold,
Apples red and melons gold,
Yellow corn both ripe and sweet,
All so good to eat.

Thankyou for all my eyes can see,
Lovely sunlight, field and tree,
White cloud boats in sea-deep sky,
Bird and butterfly.

Thank you for all my ears can hear,
Bird songs echoing far and near,
Song of stream and song of sea,
Cricket, frog and bee.

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