Friday, March 20, 2009

Sing a Song of Spring

THOUGH we've had touches of Spring creeping into the house for a while, today is the official beginning of Spring. Since it was the bees that first caught our attention and triggered yesterday's lawn investigation, we decided to bring some of the purple henbit indoors for our Spring nature table. Emma told me the real bees wouldn't like being indoors, so instead ran to get the little bee we crafted last year, and balanced it carefully in the vase.

Inadvertently, I admit, we now have several different habitats represented: the vase of purple henbit for a country meadow, a sprig of new pine from the woods and a bright yellow primula for a neat landscaped garden. And various treasures brought back from walks. A child's habitat.

We learned a new song for the occasion. Here's the English translation from the original German:

Sing a Song of Spring
F.W. Moeller

When the green buds show, and the March winds blow,
And the birds all call across the meadow
Gay as bird on wing, we'll go wandering
Sing a song of spring the wide world over.

Warm will shine the sun, far from home we'll run,
Greeting ev'ryone so kind and friendly.
As we go we'll sing, tell the world it's Spring,
Make sweet echoes ring the wide world over.

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