Thursday, July 17, 2008

Butterflies and Black Furry Legs

OUR yellow lantana is very popular among nectar-seeking insects. I'm working on identification but desperately need a good field guide! Right now all I know is that we have white butterflies that are shy, little tan ones that never keep still, and beautiful orange butterflies which could be Monarchs or Viceroys.

Today though we were treated by a visit from a huge blue and black butterfly that we spotted from the kitchen window and had to run out and look at (taking our breakfast with us). It was a Black Swallowtail. We followed it for a while then moved to the patio to watch a fuzzy bumblebee having a feast on coleus flowers. Emma was quite taken by its mouth opening and closing (I couldn't see this but she assured me it was) and antenna wiggling, and gave me her impressions of both. Then her eyes widened as she exclaimed: "See this Mama! Bee legs black and furry just like my Basil."

The Bee - traditional German children's song

Summ, summ, summ,
Bienchen summ herum.
Ai! Wir tun dir nichts zuleide
Flieg nur aus in Wald und Heide
Summ, summ, summ, summ
Bienchen summ herum.

Buzz, buzz, buzz
Busy little bee
We'll do no harm to your tiny wings
In woods and meadows you may sing
Buzz, buzz, buzz
Busy little bee.

Summ, summ, summ
Bienchen summ herum.
Such in Blumen, such in Bluemchen
Dir ein Troepfchen, dir ein Kruemchen
Summ, summ, summ, summ
Bienchen summ herum.

Buzz, buzz, buzz
Busy little bee
A drop waits here, a sip waits there
Look in flow’rs and blossoms fair
Buzz, buzz, buzz
Busy little bee.

Summ, summ, summ
Bienchen summ herum.
Kehr zurueck mit reicher Habe
Bau uns manche volle Wabe
Summ, summ, summ, summ
Bienchen summ herum.

Buzz, buzz, buzz
Busy little bee
Fully laden fly back home
Build a fine honeycomb
Buzz, buzz, buzz
Busy little bee.

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